A journaling of life with Grandma, as she jouneys to the land she knows not...called Alzheimers

Friday, June 18, 2010

Becky is coming!

This morning, in anticipation and excitement of her grandma (my mom), coming to visit, my five year old Beka tells her great-grandma that Becky is coming for a visit!

I find it amazing that even so young, she has learned to adapt how she communicates with her great-grandma. She hears me talk to her and about my mom and I will reference her by her first name because for me to just say 'my mom' would not be clear to her. So without me explaining that to the kids, they have done the same.

I have talked with the kids about their great-grandma and they understand her situation. They try as best as kids can to communicate with her. But I find myself in the background like a fly on the wall, ready to swoop down and interject at a moments notice.

But today...I sat back..amazed that my five year could communicate so clearly with her.

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